HalworxBallistics.com values and respects your privacy. All personal information that you share with us is treated with the utmost care. 

What is covered by this policy:

This Privacy Policy applies to any website operated by Halworx Ballistics LLC. The purpose of this policy is to tell our Customers what information we collect, how it’s used, and where it’s used.

Information we collect and how we use it

HalworxBallistics.com collects data, including personal information, which you provide to us when you visit our website. Personal information includes information that can identify you such as your full name, your e-mail address or postal address, birth date, payment details, and purchasing history.

HalworxBallistics.com collects and uses your personal information to conduct business with you and to improve your experience on this site. 

Some examples include:

  • Making purchases on this site
  • Processing, fulfilling, and following up on online purchases. 
  • Creating an account
  • Customer service requests
  • Registering to receive email and direct mail

Your choices and access to your information:

Our email, website and other interactive programs allow you to choose to receive or to stop receiving communications from us. 

You can choose to receive e-mail from HalworxBallistics.com

Once you opt out, you are opted out of that type of communication until you decide to back in. You may opt out of email programs at any time by following the opt-out instructions provided in the email you receive. You also may be removed from HalworxBallistics.com entirely, other communications, and prevent any further use of your personal information by HalworxBallistics.com by contacting us. 

HalworxBallistics.com will respond to reasonable requests in a reasonable time frame as determined by the respective authority. 

Sharing information with third parties:

HalworxBallistics.com does not release the personally identifiable information it collects from you to any third parties so that they may send you commercial promotions or offers for products or services. We do, however, share anonymous, aggregate information concerning the demographic makeup of our customers to third parties.